
Member Benefits:

  • Discounted MSTS Annual Meeting registration fee
  • Discounted AAOS Specialty Day course registration fee
  • Subscription to the Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research (CORR) Journal
  • Biannual MSTS Newsletter
  • Access to clinical research grants
  • Access to contact information for all MSTS members
  • Access to MSTS-affiliated multi-institutional research opportunities
  • Opportunity to develop advocacy and leadership skills through involvement in committees
  • Ability to post position ads for free at web site

Become a Member

Interested in learning more about membership in MSTS or ready to apply? Check out the links below for additional information on MSTS membership and the application process.

Membership application deadline is Monday, February 10, 2025.   

NOTE: Active, Associate and Affiliate applications must include a list of tumor and tumor related cases over the past 12 months. Please download the MSTS template below.  

Tumor Log Template 



Download Application Form

Already a Member?

How to Pay Your Dues
Email notices are sent from from This email included a link to your dues invoice. Simply click on the link to pay your dues by credit card - no login or password is required. 

You may also pay by phone, 847-698-1625; or mail a check, payable to MSTS, to the address below:

1515 East Woodfield Road, Suite 345
Schaumburg, IL  60173 


Membership Committee

Odion Binitie, MD (Chair) (2023-2026)
Sheila Conway, MD (2023-2026)
Yvette Ho, MD (2024-2027)
Francis J. Hornicek, MD (2023-2026)
Kevin MacDonald, MD (2022-2025)
Shai Shemesh, MD (2023-2026)
Vincent Ng, MD (2022-2025)

Classes of Membership:

  • Active
  • Associate
  • Affiliate
  • Emeritus
  • Candidate
  • Resident

Active Members:
Elected Active Members shall have all right and privileges with regard to participation in all Society activities. Active Members shall be eligible to serve on the Executive Committee and other committees of the Society. Active Members are eligible to vote on all matters submitted for a vote of the Society membership.
To be eligible to apply for Active Member status, a physician must:

  • Hold a degree of Doctor of Medicine, or equivalent
  • Maintain a valid and unrestricted license to practice in the United States or Canada
  • Be currently engaged in the surgical care of musculoskeletal tumors
  • Author two or more peer-reviewed tumor-related manuscripts (excluding case reports)
  • Be board-certified through the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgeons or Royal College of Surgeons of Canada
  • Complete a Society-recognized Musculoskeletal Oncology Fellowship

Associate Members
Elected Associate Members shall have all right and privileges with regard to participation in all Society activities. Associate Members shall be eligible to serve on the Executive Committee and other committees of the Society. Associate Members are eligible to vote on all matters submitted for a vote of the Society membership. To be eligible to apply for Associate Member status, a physician must:

  • Hold a degree of Doctor of Medicine, or equivalent
  • Maintain a valid and unrestricted license to practice outside the United States or Canada
  • Live outside of the United States or Canada
  • Be currently engaged in the surgical care of musculoskeletal tumors
  • Author two or more peer-reviewed tumor-related manuscripts (excluding case reports)
  • Complete a Society-recognized Musculoskeletal Oncology Fellowship or equivalent training outside of North America

Affiliate Members
Affiliate Members shall have all rights and privileges with regard to participation in Society activities and meetings. Affiliate Members are unable to vote on Society matters and are not eligible to serve of the Executive Committee or other committees of the Society. To be eligible to apply for Affiliate Member status, a physician must:

  • Hold a degree of Doctor of Medicine, or equivalent, such as Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) or Medicinae Baccalaureus, Baccalaureus Chirurgiae (MBBC)
  • Maintain a valid and unrestricted license to practice medicine
  • Be Board certified in his or her specialty
  • Be involved in the diagnosis and/or treatment of bone or soft tissue tumors.

Specifically, Affiliate Membership is available to the following seven areas of specialties of medicine:

  • Surgery (including, but not limited to, Surgical Oncology, Pediatric Surgery and Plastic Surgery)
  • Medical Oncology
  • Pediatric Oncology
  • Radiation Oncology
  • Radiology
  • Pathology
  • Veterinary Oncology

Candidate Members:
Elected Candidate members shall have all rights and privileges with regard to participation in Society activities and meetings.  Candidate members in independent practice shall be eligible to serve as a committee member but not on the Executive Committee or as a committee chair.  Candidate members may only serve one term and must advance to active membership to serve on a second committee or a second term.  A physician shall be eligible to apply for membership as a Candidate Member if he or she holds a degree of Doctor of Medicine, or equivalent, maintains a valid and unrestricted license to prac­tice medicine, and is enrolled in or has completed a Society-recognized orthopaedic oncology fellowship. Candidate Membership shall not extend longer than five years.

Emeritus Members:
A physician shall be eligible to become an Emeritus Member if he or she has been a member of the Musculoskeletal Tumor Society for the past five years and is retired from the active practice of clinical medicine.

Resident Members:
A physician shall be eligible to apply for membership as a Resident Member if he or she holds a degree of Doctor of Medicine, or equivalent, and has commenced the study of orthopaedics with the intention of ultimately applying to become a Candidate Member in the Society.  Resident Membership is limited to those physicians enrolled in an Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME)-accredited or a Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC)-accredited residency program. 


Membership Application Deadlines:

January 12, 2024 - Membership Committee review, approval and notification to follow.

When Applying to Become an Active Member, an Associate Member or an Affiliate Member:

The applicant shall submit the MSTS membership application. The application requests the following:

(2) Two Letters of Recommendation from an Active or Associate member.

  • Proposing Sponsor
  • Seconding Sponsor

The applicant is required to submit each sponsor’s contact information. It is the sponsor’s responsibility to submit each letter of recommendation to or the current Membership Committee Chair.

Submit dates of American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery or Canadian FRCSC certification, in addition to admittance to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons or the Canadian Orthopaedic Association.

Literature Contributions:
An applicant must be an author on two or more tumor-related papers in a referenced journal (not a case report).

When Applying to Become a Candidate Member:
The applicant shall submit one letter of recommendation from his or her MSTS recognized Orthopaedic Oncology Fellowship Director and complete the MSTS Membership application.

When Applying to Become a Resident Member:
The applicant shall submit one letter of recommendation from his or her Program Director and complete the MSTS Membership Application.


Dues Information

  • Active: $450
  • Associate: $300 - dues may be reduces for those practicing in low or middle income countries 
  • Affiliate: $400
  • Candidate: $300
  • Resident: $50 
  • Military Members receive a 50% discount while on Active Duty


Download Full Bylaws


Section 2.01 Membership Year.
The membership year shall begin on January 1 and conclude on December 31 of the same year.

Section 2.02 Status of Membership.
Membership in the Society is a privilege, not a right, and is dependent upon the applicant and member meeting the membership eligibility requirements contained in these Bylaws, demonstrated in the manner set forth in the Society’s Policy Manual.

Section 2.03 Classes of Membership.
There shall be six classes of members: Active Member, Associate Member, Affiliate Member, Emeritus Member, Candidate Member and Resident Member. In special curcumstances, the Membership Committee may approve applications that do not meet all criteria. 

Section 2.04 Eligibility.
Section 2.04.1 Active Member.
A physician shall be eligible to apply for membership as an Active Member if he or she holds a degree of Doctor of Medicine, or equivalent, maintains a valid and unrestricted license to practice medicine in the United States or Canada; is engaged in the surgical care of musculoskeletal tumors; is an author of two or more tumor-related papers in a referenced journal (not a case report); is American Board of Orthopaedic Surgeons or Canadian Royal College of Surgeons of Canada-Orthopaedics FRCS(C) certified; and has completed a Society-recognized orthopaedic oncology fellowship.

Section 2.04.2 Associate Member.
A physician shall be eligible to apply for membership as an Associate Member if he or she holds a degree of Doctor of Medicine or equivalent, maintains a valid unrestricted license to practice medicine outside the USA or Canada, lives outside the USA or Canada, and meets the other eligibility requirements set forth in Section 2.04.1.

Section 2.04.3 Affiliate Member.
Section An individual shall be eligible to apply for membership as an Affiliate Member if he or she holds a degree of Doctor of Medicine, or equivalent, such as Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) or Medicinae Baccalaureus, Baccalaureus Chirurgiae (MBBC), maintains a valid and unrestricted license to practice medicine, is Board certified in his or her specialty, and is involved in the diagnosis and/or treatment of bone or soft tissue tumors. Specifically, Affiliate Membership is available to the following seven areas of specialties of
medicine: 1) Surgery; 2) Medical Oncology; 3) Pediatric Oncology; 4) Radiation Oncology; 5) Radiology; 6) Pathology; and 7) Veterinary Oncology.

Section An individual shall be eligible to apply for membership as an Affiliate Member if he or she holds a graduate level degree and demonstrates a significant focus in musculoskeletal oncologic research and/or education. 

Section 2.04.4 Emeritus Member.
An individual may request to become an Emeritus Member if he or she has been a member in good standing of the Musculoskeletal Tumor Society for the past five (5) years and is retired from the active practice of clinical medicine.

Section 2.04.5 Candidate Member.
A physician shall be eligible to apply for membership as a Candidate Member if he or she holds a degree of Doctor of Medicine, or equivalent, maintains a valid and unrestricted license to practice medicine, and is enrolled in or has completed a Society-recognized orthopaedic oncology fellowship. Candidate membership shall not extend longer than 5 years.

Section 2.04.6 Resident Member.
A physician shall be eligible to apply for membership as a Resident Member if he or she holds a degree of Doctor of Medicine, or equivalent, and has commenced the study of orthopaedics with the intention of ultimately applying to become a Candidate Member in the Society. Resident Membership is limited to those physicians enrolled in an Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME)-accredited or a Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
(RCPSC)-accredited residency program.

Section 2.05 Membership Rights
Section 2.05.1 Active Members and Associate Members
Active Members and Associate Members shall have all rights and privileges with regard to participation in all Society activities. Active Members and Associate Members shall be eligible to serve on the Executive Committee and other committees of the Society. Active Members and Associate Members shall be entitled to vote on all matters submitted to a vote of the membership of
the Society.

Section 2.05.2 Affiliate Members, Emeritus Members, and Resident
Affiliate Members, Emeritus Members and Resident Members shall
have all rights and privileges with regard to participation in Society activities and meetings, though they shall not have the right to vote or to serve on the Executive Committee or other committees of the Society.

Section 2.05.3 Candidate Members shall have all rights and privileges with regard to participation in all Society activities and meetings.  Candidate Members in independent practice shall be eligible to serve as a committee member but not on the Executive Committee or as a committee chair.  No more than two Candidate members shall be assigned to any committee at one time. Candidate Members may only serve one term and must advance to active membership to serve on a second committee or a second term. 

Section 2.06 Procedure for Admission
Section 2.06.1 Application.
An applicant must demonstrate eligibility for membership by submitting the documentation required by the Society’s Policy Manual.

Section 2.06.2 Notice of Acceptance or Rejection.
Each applicant shall be notified of the Society’s acceptance or rejection of his or her application as provided in the Society’s Policy Manual. An unsuccessful applicant has the right to appeal the Society’s decision as provided in the Society’s Policy Manual.

Section 2.07 Resignation of Membership.
Any member may resign from membership in the Society by delivering a letter of resignation to the President of the Executive Committee. Dues and assessments shall not be refunded, nor shall resignation relieve the member from any obligations the member may have to the Society at the time of resignation.

Section 2.08 Termination or Suspension of Membership.
The Executive Committee may terminate or suspend an individual's membership for the following reasons: failure to comply with requirements and standards for membership contained in the Bylaws of the Society as adopted by the Executive Committee; being in arrears in dues for more than a period of 1 year after the final due date for the payment of such dues; becoming subject to any limitation or restriction of any right associated with the practice of medicine by any State, including the revocation, suspension or restriction of a medical license or the voluntary surrender of a license while under investigation; failure or refusal to cooperate reasonably with an investigation of a disciplinary matter by the Society; participating in communications to the public or medical personnel or agencies which convey false, deceptive, untrue or misleading information; conviction of a felony; or other grossly immoral, dishonorable, unethical or unprofessional conduct.

Except with respect to termination of membership due to nonpayment of dues or assessments, which shall be automatic and effective without a hearing, the Membership Committee may make whatever investigation it deems necessary, and upon concluding that a reasonable basis exists for membership to be terminated or suspended, shall invite the member to meet with representatives of the Committee. The member may provide the Committee whatever evidence he or she deems proper as to why such action should not be taken. Following such meeting, the Membership Committee shall formulate its report and recommendation to the Executive Committee.

Upon receipt of a report of the Membership Committee, which recommends termination or suspension of membership, the Executive Committee shall schedule consideration of the matter in a regular meeting. The Secretary shall notify the member at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of the meeting at which it will be considered. A copy of the recommendations and report of the Membership Committee shall be attached to the notice. The member may appear at the meeting with counsel to respond to the recommendations of the Membership Committee. Termination or suspension of membership in the Society shall require a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Executive Committee. The Secretary shall notify the member within thirty (30) days of the decision of the Executive Committee. The decision of the Executive Committee, which shall not be effective sooner than five (5) days following the member’s receipt of notice of same, shall be final.

Section 2.09 Annual Dues and Special Assessments.
Membership annual dues and special assessments shall be determined by the Executive Committee. All member categories, with the exception of the Emeritus category, shall pay annual dues and special assessments as established by the Executive Committee each year. The annual dues of the Society shall be payable in advance of December 31 of the current membership year. Any member whose dues and/or special assessments remain unpaid after December 31 shall be suspended from all member benefits. Suspended members shall forfeit all membership benefits until their membership dues and any special assessments are paid in full. Any member whose dues and/or special assessments remain unpaid at the end of the second year of nonpaid membership shall be dropped from the membership rolls. All former members must pay previous dues and/or special assessments in full prior to submitting a new membership application. No dues or special assessments shall be refunded for any reason.

2022-2025 MSTS Strategic Plan

The Musculoskeletal Tumor Society (MSTS) Executive Board initiated a strategic planning process in 2021 to update the exiting Strategic Plan. A strategic planning group was formed to assist with this process which included a review of the goals set in 2018 and discussing the issues and opportunities facing MSTS members today.  Through the work of the planning group and MSTS Executive Board, strategic priorities and goals were established as they relate to the four pillars of the Strategic Plan (Research, Education, Membership, and Advocacy).  

As a result of the work completed, the society adopted an updated three-year strategic plan. 

View The Full Strategic Plan

To find and connect with other MSTS Members, log into the MSTS Membership Portal.

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