Practice Management Committee

Coding Updates (new/changed codes pertinent to oncology)

  • Consider searchable cpt section for coding tumor cases
  • Coding Pearls/Pitfalls – common coding questions/concerns for optimizing reimbursement while avoiding compliance concerns
  • Complicated coding examples – case examples of common cases, and best practices for coding

Differences and Commonalities between US and Canadian systems (related to oncology practice)

Building a Practice

Establishing Value

Marketing Strategies

Use of Social Media

Committee Members

Adam Levin, MD (Chair) (2024-2025)
Alan T. Blank, MD (2024-2027)
David Geller, MD (2024-2027)
Kelly Homlar, MD (2023-2026)
Brandon Jonard, MD (2023-2026)
Nate Mesko, MD (2024-2027)