Research Committee

Research Initiatives and Opportunities
Research has been and remains an MSTS priority. Since 2012, the society has provided grants in excess of $400,000. Going forward, the society seeks to further promote and enhance research amongst the membership. Toward this end, a voluntary comprehensive list of members involved in ongoing orthopedic oncology- related research will be compiled annually. In this way, the MSTS hoped to bridge members with similar interests or complementary skill sets with the ultimate aim of fostering meaningful and productive research efforts.

  • Collaborative trials (Can be initiated now –expanded over time)
    • Known collaborative trials can be listed with short description, institutions and site PIs, and an indication of whether additional sites/participants needed, Can be rolling/updated annually vs bi-annually
  • MSTS Funded Research
    • List and short description of previously funded / currently funded projects
  • Project ideas/forum (Will require polling / querying membership)
    • Virtual forum for posting ideas/interests
  • Mentored Research and Scholar Development Program Award
    • The Mentored Research and Scholar Development Program Award is a new initiative designed specifically to foster mentorship, enhance collaborative research and to facilitate career advancement for young MSTS members. This funding opportunity is intended to serve as a step towards further meaningful funding, by providing recipients not only funding, but also ongoing research-specific mentorship and hopefully a bridge toward longer-term collaboration.
    • Program Announcement and Application Example (Attached)

Mentorship and Career Development

  • Grantsmanship (Can be initiated now –expanded over time)
  • Key Concepts / Guide to successful grant application
  • List of mentors
    • Identify / List members interested in serving as diversity mentors and contact information

What’s New in Orthopaedic Oncology- Research Perspectives

Intermittent Polling Link for Determination of common research/ emerging themes

  • Review of recent technologies, therapies, etc.


  • Sarcoma Strong
    • Sarcoma Strong is a grass-roots initiative founded to increase awareness, lend patient and family support and raise funds specifically for sarcoma research. Recently, Sarcoma Strong has joined together with the MSTS to create the Sarcoma Strong/MSTS Research Grant – the first of which has been recently awarded. To learn more about Sarcoma Strong or for more information on how you can participate in its annual live or virtual event, please visit

Research Committee

Bang Hoang, MD (Chair) (2023-2026)
Anthony Bozzo, MD (2023-2026)
Elyse Brinkmann, MD (2023-2026)
Alexander Christ, MD (2021-2024)
Christopher Collier, MD (2022-2025)
Brock A. Lindsey, MD (2022-2025)
Joshua Lawrenz, MD (2023-2026)
Brian Walczak, MD (2021-2024)